Al Matano is endorsed by the Capital Times!

Take a look at what the Cap Times had to say about Al below!

District 11: Al Matano

Al Matano
Al Matano 

It’s good to see there’s a spirited County Board race in the west side’s District 11, where newcomer Kelly Danner is running hard to unseat incumbent Al Matano.

Danner, practice manager for an equine veterinary clinic, and Matano, a budget analyst for Wisconsin’s Medicaid program, are both progressive voices and both have garnered impressive endorsements. Danner is trying to argue that Matano hasn’t been a leader on the board and hasn’t done a good job communicating with district residents. But Matano counters, effectively we believe, that he has been a steady leader on issues ranging from transportation to civil rights, affordable housing and criminal justice reform.

We share the view of County Executive Joe Parisi, who has endorsed Matano and describes the veteran supervisor as not just “a tireless voice for progressive values, fairness, and forward thinking” but also the board’s “leading advocate for bicycle transportation.” A bicycle commuter, Matano has worked to improve the county’s network of bike trails and points out that facilitating bike travel helps drivers too by reducing the number of cars on the road. He’s also been an ardent advocate for improving bus rapid transit.

When it comes to debates about transportation, affordable housing, mental health services, criminal justice reform and protecting our environment, these candidates are on the same progressive page.

The difference is that Matano has a track record as an effective board member. We think Danner could do a good job. But Matano is already doing a good job. We urge voters to stick with a proven progressive who is prepared to continue serving District 11.


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